State employment service

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The Mississippi State Employment Service is established in the Mississippi Department of Employment Security, Office of the Governor. The department, in the conduct of such service, shall establish and maintain free public employment offices in such number and in such places as may be necessary for the proper administration of this article and for the purpose of performing such functions as are within the purview of the act of Congress entitled "An act to provide for the establishment of a national employment system and for cooperation with the states in the promotion of such system, and for other purposes" (29 USCS Section 49 et seq.). Any existing free public employment offices maintained by the state but not heretofore under the jurisdiction of the department shall be transferred to the jurisdiction of the department, and upon such transfer all duties and powers conferred upon any other department, agency or officers of this state relating to the establishment, maintenance and operation of free public employment offices shall be vested in the department. The Mississippi State Employment Service shall be administered by the department, which is charged with the duty to cooperate with any official or agency of the United States having powers or duties under the provisions of the act of Congress, as amended, and to do and perform all things necessary to secure to this state the benefits of that act of Congress, as amended, in the promotion and maintenance of a system of public employment offices. The provisions of that act of Congress, as amended, are accepted by this state, in conformity with 29 USCS Section 49c, and this state will observe and comply with the requirements thereof. The department is designated and constituted the agency of this state for the purposes of that act. The department may cooperate with or enter into agreements with the Railroad Retirement Board or veteran's organization with respect to the establishment, maintenance and use of free employment service facilities.

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