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Subject to other provisions of this chapter, the executive director is authorized to appoint, fix the compensation, and prescribe the duties and powers of such officers, accountants, attorneys, experts and other persons as may be necessary in the performance of department duties; however, all personnel who were former members of the Armed Forces of the United States of America shall be given credit regardless of rate, rank or commission. All positions shall be filled by persons selected and appointed on a nonpartisan merit basis, in accordance with Section 25-9-101 et seq., that provides for a state service personnel system. The executive director shall not employ any person who is an officer or committee member of any political party organization. The executive director may delegate to any such person so appointed such power and authority as he deems reasonable and proper for the effective administration of this chapter, and may in his discretion bond any person handling monies or signing checks hereunder. The veteran status of an individual shall be considered and preference given in accordance with the provisions of the State Personnel Board.

The department and its employees are exempt from Sections 25-15-101 and 25-15-103.

The department may use federal granted funds to provide such group health, life, accident and hospitalization insurance for its employees as may be agreed upon by the department and the federal granting authorities.

The department shall adopt a "layoff formula" to be used wherever it is determined that, because of reduced workload, budget reductions or in order to effect a more economical operation, a reduction in force shall occur in any group.

In establishing this formula, the department shall give effect to the principle of seniority and shall provide that seniority points may be added for disabled veterans and veterans, with due regard to the efficiency of the service. Any such layoff formula shall be implemented according to the policies, rules and regulations of the State Personnel Board.

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