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The commission shall estimate annually in advance the amounts necessary for the administration of this chapter, in the following manner:
The commission shall, as soon as practicable after the first day of January in each year, determine the expense of administration of this chapter for the one-year period preceding the first day of January. The expense of administration for such period shall be used as the basis for determining the amount to be assessed against each carrier and self-insurer in order to provide for the expenses of the administration of this chapter for the one-year period.
Each carrier and self-insurer shall be assessed Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00). The proceeds of such assessment shall be deducted from the estimate of total expenses and the remaining expenses of administration shall be prorated among the carriers writing compensation insurance in the state and self-insurers. The gross claims for compensation and medical services and supplies paid by the insurance carriers and self-insurers is the basis for computing the amount to be assessed, in the proportion that the total gross claims for compensation and medical services and supplies paid by such carrier or self-insurer during the preceding one-year period bore to the total gross claims for compensation and medical supplies and services paid by all carriers and self-insurers during such period. This amount may be assessed as a specific amount or as a percentage of gross claims for compensation and medical supplies and services paid by the insurance carriers and self-insurers as the commission may direct, and shall be such amount as shall be reasonably necessary to defray the necessary expense of such administration.
The commission shall provide by regulation for the collection of the amounts assessed against each carrier and self-insurer. Such amounts shall be paid within thirty (30) days from the date that notice is served upon such carrier. If such amounts are not paid within such period, there may be assessed, for each thirty (30) days the amount so assessed remains unpaid, a civil penalty equal to ten percent (10%) of the amount so unpaid, which shall be collected at the same time and as a part of the amount assessed.
If any carrier or self-insurer fails to pay the amounts assessed against it under the provisions of this section within sixty (60) days from the time such notice is served, the commission may suspend or revoke the authorization to insure compensation or to be self-insured.
All amounts collected under the provisions of this section shall be paid into the State General Fund as provided in Section 71-3-100.
The commission may require from each carrier and self-insurer, at such time and in accordance with regulations as the commission may prescribe, reports in respect to all payments of compensation and medical supplies and services by such carriers or self-insurers during each prior period, and may determine the amounts paid by each carrier and self-insurer and the amounts paid by all carriers and self-insurers during such period.
Every carrier and self-insurer shall file with the commission on or before the first day of March of each year, a statement on the prescribed forms showing the gross claims for compensation and medical services and supplies paid by such carrier or self-insurer during the preceding one-year period ending on the thirty-first day of December. Any carrier or self-insurer which neglects to make and file its annual written statement within the time provided in this chapter shall pay to the commission Twenty Dollars ($20.00) for each day's neglect.