Second Injury Trust Fund

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  1. If an employee who has previously lost, or lost the use of, one (1) hand, one (1) arm, one (1) foot, one (1) leg, or one (1) eye, becomes permanently and totally incapacitated through the loss, or loss of use, of another member or organ, the employer shall be liable only for the compensation payable for such second injury. In addition to such compensation and after the completion of the payment therefor, the employee shall be paid the remainder of the compensation that would be due for permanent total incapacity, out of a special fund known as the "Second Injury Trust Fund," and created for such purpose in the following manner:

    In every case of compensable death of an employee under this chapter, the employer or, if insured, his insurance carrier shall pay to the commission the sum of Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) except in cases where there is no dependency, then there shall be paid to the commission the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) to be deposited with the State Treasurer for the benefit of said fund. A suspension of said payments of Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) per death shall be made when the total amount of all such payments, together with the accumulated interest thereon, equals or exceeds Three Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($350,000.00), and no further contributions to said fund shall be made except in cases where there is no dependency. Whenever, thereafter, the amount of such sum shall be reduced below One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,000.00) by reason of payments made pursuant to this section, then such contributions of Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) per death shall be resumed forthwith and shall continue until such sum, together with accumulated interest thereon, shall again amount to Three Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($350,000.00); and the commission shall direct the distribution thereof.

  2. During fiscal year 2017 and thereafter, the Workers' Compensation Commission shall have full authority to assess employers or insurers the amounts provided in this section for deposit into the Second Injury Trust Fund, however, such funds shall not be used for the support of the agency.

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