All funds and the interest accruing thereon paid into the state treasury, either by the federal government, by any of the counties of the state, or by any road district in the state, for the purpose of constructing what is known as federal-aid highways shall be handled by the state treasury as a special deposit for such purpose. It shall be the duty of the state treasurer immediately upon receipt of such funds to give notice to all banks located in the county in which said funds are to be expended of the fact that such funds are on hand, and that he is ready to receive such proposals as any of them may make for the privilege of keeping such funds until the same are expended in the construction of such highways. The said state treasurer shall deposit said funds with the bank or banks located in the county where same is to be expended, proposing the best terms, having in view the safety of such funds. Security shall be required of like character and amount as provided for in the chapter on depositories, but the amount of such highway funds shall not be included in arriving at 35% limit. Each bank shall be entitled to receive this special highway deposit in addition to the 35% provided for by said chapter.