No requisitions or requests for payment drawn against any funds in the Treasury shall be issued by any state agency, official or other person except on forms to be prescribed by the State Fiscal Officer; and none may be presented by the agency, official or other person to any claimant, but all shall be forwarded to the State Fiscal Officer, together with the invoice or invoices covering same, as herein prescribed. The form of all requisitions shall be such as to prevent their being cashed by a bank or other institution, agency or person, it being the intention of the Legislature herein to prevent the payment of state funds to any claimant except upon state warrants regularly and legally issued by the State Fiscal Officer after he shall have submitted the claim to regular audit, examination and verification, as prescribed herein. Payments may be made to claimants on electronic funds transfers without a state warrant as provided under Section 7-9-14. The Department of Human Services and any other agencies meeting the requirements of Sections 7-9-41 and 7-9-43, wherein provision is made in certain cases for the withdrawal of funds from the Treasury in lump sums on State Fiscal Officer warrants, shall not be deemed to be in violation of the provisions of this section.