When any person shall desire to have a public road other than a road being maintained by the state highway department laid out, altered, or changed, a petition shall be presented to the board of supervisors of the county, signed by ten or more freeholders or householders of the county interested in the road, setting forth the commencement and termination and general course thereof and that the public interest or convenience requires the road to be laid out and opened or altered or changed, as shown in the petition. The petitioners, if not owners of the land through which the road runs or is proposed to be run, or if the land through which the road runs or is proposed to run is owned by the county or a municipality, shall give a copy of the same to the president of the board of supervisors if the county is the owner of the land, or to the mayor if a municipality is the owner thereof, and shall give five days' notice to the owners of the land in person, or by leaving the same at their residence if they reside in the county, or if the owners be nonresidents of the county, by putting up the notice in some conspicuous place on the land through which the road runs or is proposed to run. Thereupon the board of supervisors shall hear the parties, and if it determine that the prayer of the petitioners ought to be granted, in whole or in part, it shall appoint a committee of two members, of districts other than that of the road or proposed road, who shall examine and view the contemplated route of the road. If they find the same practicable, they shall lay out and mark the road, or the alteration or change, and report their proceedings in writing to the board at its next meeting.