Condemnation of bridges and property

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Any municipality, whenever a reasonable price cannot be agreed upon, or whenever the owner is legally incapacitated or is absent or is unable to convey valid title or is unknown, is hereby authorized and empowered to acquire by condemnation any such bridge or bridges or interest or interests therein, and any land, rights, easements, franchises, and other property deemed necessary or convenient for the improvement or the efficient operation of any property acquired or constructed under this article, or for the purpose of constructing any bridge or portion thereof hereunder, or for securing right of way leading to any such bridge or its approaches, in the manner hereinafter provided. Such condemnation proceedings shall be instituted by a written application of the governing body of such municipality and shall be conducted, and the compensation to be paid shall be ascertained and paid, in the manner provided by Chapter 33, Title 11, Mississippi Code of 1972, or by the laws of the state where such proceedings may be conducted. And any municipality is further authorized and empowered to exercise in this state and in any adjoining state such powers of eminent domain as may be conferred upon such municipality by any act of the Congress of the United States now in force or which may hereafter be enacted. Title to any property condemned by a municipality shall be taken in its name. No municipality shall be under any obligation to accept and pay for any property condemned or any costs incidental to any condemnation proceedings, and shall, in no event, pay for the same except from the funds provided by this article. In any condemnation proceedings, the court having jurisdiction of the suit, action, or proceedings may make such orders as may be just to such municipality and to the owners of the property to be condemned, and may require an undertaking or other security to secure such owners against any loss or damage to be sustained by reason of the failure of such municipality to accept and pay for the property; but such undertaking or security shall impose no liability upon such municipality, except such as may be paid from the funds provided under the authority of this article.

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