No license shall be denied, suspended or revoked except after hearing thereon. The administrator shall give the licensee at least ten days' written notice, in the form of an order to show cause, of the time and place of such hearing by certified mail addressed to the principal place of business in this state of such licensee. The said notice shall contain the grounds of complaint against the licensee. Any order suspending or revoking such license shall recite the grounds upon which the same is based. The order shall be entered upon the records of the administrator and shall not be effective until after thirty days' written notice thereof given after such entry forwarded by registered mail to the licensee at such principal place of business. No revocation, suspension or surrender of any license shall impair or affect the obligation of any lawful retail installment contract acquired previously thereto by the licensee.
Within thirty days after any such denial, suspension or revocation of a license the person aggrieved may apply for a review thereof by an application to any chancellor or judge of the chancery court of the county wherein is located the principal place of business in this state of such licensee in accordance with the practice of said court. Any chancellor or judge of the chancery court of the county wherein is located the principal place of business in this state of such licensee shall determine de novo all questions, both of fact and of law, touching upon the legality and reasonableness of the determination of the administrator, and shall render such judgment as shall be lawful and just.