Form of license; use of Social Security Number of licensee; photograph of licensee; renewal of license by electronic means; registered sex offender's license to identify licensee as sex offender; designation as veteran on license upon request of honorably discharged veteran

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  1. The Commissioner of Public Safety shall prescribe the form of license issued pursuant to this article which shall, among other features, include a driver's license number assigned by the Department of Public Safety. A licensee shall list his social security number with the department which shall cross reference the social security number with the driver's license number for purposes of identification. Additionally, each license shall bear a full-face color photograph of the licensee in such form that the license and the photograph cannot be separated. The photograph shall be taken so that one (1) exposure will photograph the applicant and the application simultaneously on the same film. The department shall use a process in the issuance of a license with a color photograph that shall prevent as nearly as possible any alteration, counterfeiting, duplication, reproduction, forging or modification of the license or the superimposition of a photograph without ready detection. The photograph shall be replaced by the department at the time of renewal. Drivers' licenses, including photographs appearing thereon, may be renewed by electronic means according to rules and regulations promulgated by the commissioner in conformity to Section 27-104-33.
  2. The commissioner shall prescribe the form of license issued pursuant to this article to licensees who are not United States citizens and who do not possess a social security number issued by the United States government. The license of such persons shall include a number and/or other identifying features.
  3. Any new, renewal or duplicate driver's license, temporary driving permit, intermediate license or commercial driver's license issued to a person required to register as a sex offender pursuant to Section 45-33-25 shall bear a designation identifying the licensee or permittee as a sex offender.
  4. The commissioner is authorized to provide the new, renewal or duplicate driver's license, temporary driving permit, intermediate license or commercial driver's license to any honorably discharged veteran as defined in Title 38 of the United States Code, and such license or permit shall exhibit the letters "Vet" or any other mark identifying the person as a veteran. The veteran requesting the "Vet" designation shall present his DD-214 or equivalent document that includes a notation from the state Veterans Affairs Board that the applicant is a veteran.

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