Joint operations; limitations of powers of joint board
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The total expenditures to be made by the joint board for any purpose in any calendar year shall be determined by a budget approved by the governing bodies of its constituent public agencies on or before the preceding December first.
No airport, air navigation facility, airport hazard, or real or personal property, the cost of which is in excess of sums therefor fixed by the joint agreement or allotted in the annual budget, may be acquired by the joint board without the approval of the governing bodies of its constituent public agencies.
Eminent domain proceedings may be instituted only by authority of the governing bodies of the constituent public agencies of the joint board. If so authorized, such proceedings shall be instituted in the names of the constituent public agencies jointly, and the property so acquired shall be held by said public agencies as tenants in common until conveyed by them to the joint board.
The joint board shall not dispose of any airport, air navigation facility or real property under its jurisdiction except with the consent of the governing bodies of its constituent public agencies. However, the joint board may, without such consent, enter into the contract, lease or other arrangements contemplated by Section 61-5-11.
Any resolutions, rules, regulations or orders of the joint board dealing with subjects authorized by Section 61-5-13 shall become effective only upon approval of the governing bodies of the constituent public agencies. Upon such approval the resolutions, rules, regulations or orders of the joint board shall have the same force and effect in the territories or jurisdictions involved as the ordinances, resolutions, rules, regulations or orders of each public agency would have in its own territory or jurisdiction.