Licensing of harbor masters, pilots, stevedores, etc.

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Contracting stevedores shall pay a privilege license not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00) per year, the amount within this limit, to be fixed and determined by the port commissioners, and the same shall be paid to the port commission or port authority to be used for port expenses and maintenance as directed by the port commissioner or port authority. Harbor masters, pilots, boatmen, stevedores, surveyors, watchmen, police, ship agents, ship chandlers and such other persons performing services for the public shipping as the port commissioners may require, shall pay annually such license or permit fee as may be prescribed and required by the port commissioners not to exceed fifty dollars ($50.00). The fees for piloting, inward and outward, shall be so fixed as not to be unduly burdensome on shipping. The piloting fees for boarding vessels on arrival, for docking and for each shift or move thereafter shall be determined and fixed by the port commissioners as may from time to time be considered reasonable and proper under existing conditions.

It shall be unlawful for any person or persons, to act as harbor master, pilot, boatman, stevedore, surveyor, watchman, ship agent, ship chandler or in any other capacity as the port commissioners may designate, without first being duly licensed and qualified as set out in this section, or without having been issued a permit that such service is necessary for the protection of the harbor or advancement of public shipping.

It shall be unlawful for any vessel, firm or corporation to employ a harbor master, pilot, boatman, stevedore, surveyor, watchman, police, ship agent, ship chandler or any other such person until such person shall have been first duly licensed and qualified as provided in this section.

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