1. Contributing a sum of up to Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000.00) to such enterprise for use in connection with the construction of the project; and/or
2. Lending a sum of up to Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000.00) upon such terms as the board of supervisors of such county and such enterprise may agree, the proceeds of which loan shall be used by such enterprise in connection with the construction or financing of the project.
1. One another for use in connection with the location, construction and/or operation of such a project or any facilities or public infrastructure related to the project, and may accept such grants or contributions of funds; and/or
2. A local water association incorporated as a nonprofit corporation and located within such county for the purpose of defraying the costs incurred or to be incurred thereby in connection with water or wastewater-related infrastructure improvements, including an elevated water tank, located within the project area; and