Prior to the initiation of nuclear waste site characterization activities, the board shall require that a written agreement between the federal department of energy and the state shall be concluded in accordance with the provisions of Sections 57-49-29 through 57-49-33.
At the completion of site characterization, including area characterization, and prior to the initiation of any subsequent phase of investigation, the federal department of energy shall prepare and administer an oral briefing for the board, the council, the committee, interested members of the state legislature and the governor's office, collectively, in which a synopsis of the previously completed study phase is detailed. The briefing shall include, at a minimum, the significant findings of the study, including those findings which could possibly compromise the site(s) from being developed into a repository for the long-term or temporary storage and/or permanent disposal of high-level radioactive waste or transuranic waste. Any noted deficiencies in the data base, interpretation thereof, conclusions thereto or recommendations therefrom, cited in writing by the technical community of the state or recorded in public hearings in the state, shall be addressed in the briefing. The methods by which those deficiencies were resolved or are to be addressed shall be identified by the department of energy during the briefing. The council and the committee shall determine the adequacy of resolution of the noted deficiencies and shall prepare a written report of their findings to the board. If the findings of the council and the committee and the recommendation of the board indicate inadequate identification of deficiencies and/or inadequate resolution of same, the board may recommend a conflict resolution procedure outlined in the agreement be initiated.