The board, in consultation with the council and the committee, shall review any application to the federal department of energy, other federal agency, or contractor thereof, by a state agency, including the state institutions of higher learning, a local unit of government, or a regional planning and development district for funds for any program related to the long-term or temporary storage and/or permanent disposal of high-level radioactive waste or transuranic waste. If the board finds that the application is not consistent with the state's nuclear waste policy or that the application is not in the best interests of the state, the board, in accordance with the council and the committee, shall forward its findings to the governor, the legislative committees on conservation and water resources in the house of representatives and on public health and welfare in the senate, and the federal agency to which the application for funds is being made. If the board finds that the application of a state agency is not consistent with the state's nuclear waste policy or that the application of a state agency is not in the best interests of the state, the findings forwarded to the governor shall include a recommendation that the governor take action necessary to safeguard the interests of the state by stipulating certain conditions for the acceptance of the funds.