Use of
fund monies only for purposes specified in
this chapter and upon
appropriation by the Legislature; full faith
and credit of state
for GCRF monies obligated or pledged as security
for MDA debt
Use of
fund monies only for purposes specified in
this chapter and upon
appropriation by the Legislature; full faith
and credit of state
for GCRF monies obligated or pledged as security
for MDA debt
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Monies in theGulf Coast Restoration Fund shall be used only for the purposes specifiedin this chapter, and no other expenditure, appropriation or transfer ofmonies in the GCRF shall be made except by an act of the Legislaturemaking specific reference to the GCRF as the source of those monies.
If any moniesin the GCRF are obligated or pledged as security for any debt incurredby MDA, and the monies in the GCRF that have been obligated or pledgedare later expended, appropriated, transferred, obligated or pledgedfor any other purpose, the debt for which the monies were originallyobligated or pledged shall be the obligation and indebtedness of theState of Mississippi secured by the full faith and credit of the state.