When the executive director authorizes any municipality to issue bonds under the provisions of Sections 57-1-1 through 57-1-51, he shall find and determine the total amount of bonds to be issued. He shall fix the maturity dates of the bonds consistent with the provisions of the aforesaid sections. He shall determine the amount of taxes necessary to be levied and collected annually to retire the bonds and pay interest coupons and to create a sinking fund for the payment of the bonds and interest so that the annual tax levy shall be uniform throughout the period for which the bonds are issued. He shall require the municipality to report annually to him payments made on the bonds and on interest, with the dates of payments, and to report the amount passed to the sinking fund, together with a list and amount of the bonds remaining outstanding for purposes of the aforesaid sections, and a failure so to do shall make the members of the governing board guilty of a misdemeanor and punishable accordingly. All of such reports shall be permanent public records of the department.