Appointment, bond, terms of office and compensation of members of project board of commissioners; board authority

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The project shall be in charge of a board of commissioners, not less than five (5) in number, nor more than fifteen (15), all of whom shall be adult resident citizens of the State of Mississippi, and each of whose terms shall be for a period of four (4) years, and who shall be appointed by the political subdivision or subdivisions constituting the recreational district. The board shall be in charge of all business and official affairs of such project, and shall be answerable only to the governing authorities of the political subdivision or subdivisions forming the recreational district. No member of any board of commissioners of any project shall be either interested directly or indirectly in any commercial enterprise operating thereon.

Such board shall have the authority to do and perform the following, but shall not be limited thereto: lease facilities or tracts of realty in said district for commercial enterprises, or other educational, athletic, cultural or recreational pursuits, to acquire by lease, purchase or gift additional realty for the project, to employ personnel in the operation and management of said project, and, in general, to have charge and control of all of the affairs and activities within said project. No land within said project may be leased for a period of longer than sixty (60) years.

Each member of the board shall be required by the political subdivision or subdivisions forming such recreational district to give bond, with sufficient surety, to be payable, conditioned and approved as provided by law, in a penalty not less than Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00).

No member of the board shall receive any salary for acting as a member thereof, but the recreational district may authorize reasonable payment for attendance at meetings of the board of commissioners, and reasonable expenses in carrying out the duties of such board, including travel and lodging.

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