After the members of the Mississippi Coast Coliseum Commission have been appointed and qualified as set forth in Section 55-24-3 et seq., they shall meet, on or before August 19, 2016, at quarters provided for them by Harrison County after giving not less than ten (10) days' notice of the time and place of such meeting by registered mail, postage prepaid and electronic mail directed to each appointed member of such commission as provided to the Secretary of State at the time of his qualification, and posting bond. At such meeting a quorum shall be four (4) commissioners, and a majority of those members attending shall elect a president and secretary, both of whom shall be members of said commission, and adopt such rules and regulations as may govern the time and place for holding subsequent meetings, regular and special, and other rules and regulations not inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter.
The commission is further authorized to obtain office equipment, supplies, furniture, furnishings, equipment, and other facilities necessary to administer the affairs and duties of the commission.