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Words and phrases used in this article shall have meanings as follows:

"Act" means the Metropolitan Area Water Supply Act (this article) as originally enacted or hereafter amended.

"Board of directors" means the board of directors of the district.

"Bonds" means revenue bonds, interim notes (having a maturity of three (3) years or less) and other certificates of indebtedness of the district issued under this act.

"District" means the Pearl River Valley Water Supply District.

"Person" means and includes the State of Mississippi, any city, town, county, political subdivision or public agency of the state or of the United States of America, and any corporation, individual, partnership, association, firm, trust estate or any other entity whatsoever.

"Public agency" means any city, town, public agency or political subdivision of the state authorized by law to supply water to persons within the geographical boundaries of such city, town, public agency or political subdivision.

"Water supply system" means pipelines, conduits, pumping stations and all other structures, devices and appliances appurtenant thereto, including land and right-of-way thereto, for use in transporting water to public agencies, with respect to the district, or to a point of ultimate use with respect to any other public agency.

"Waterworks" means, with respect to the district, all works, plants or other facilities, including open channels, necessary for the purpose of collecting, storing, treating and transporting water to public agencies and means, with respect to any other public agency, all works, plants or other facilities necessary for the purpose of collecting, storing, treating and transporting water to persons for municipal, commercial, domestic, industrial, agricultural or manufacturing purposes.

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