Legislative determination and declaration of policy

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It is hereby declared, as a matter of legislative determination, that the waterways and surface waters of the state are among its basic resources, that the overflow and surface waters of the state have not heretofore been conserved to realize their full beneficial use, that the utilization, development, conservation, and regulation of such waters are necessary to insure an adequate flood control program, sanitary water supply at all times, to promote the balanced economic development of the state, and to aid in conservation and development of state forests, irrigation of lands needing irrigation, navigation, and pollution abatement. It is further determined and declared that the preservation, conservation, storage, and regulation of the waters of the Tombigbee River, its tributaries, and its overflow waters for domestic, municipal, commercial, industrial, agricultural, and manufacturing purposes, for recreational uses, flood control, timber development, irrigation, navigation, and pollution abatement are, as a matter of public policy, for the general welfare of the entire people of the state.

The creation of the Tombigbee River Valley Water Management District is determined to be necessary and essential to the accomplishment of the aforesaid purposes, and this article operates on a subject in which the state at large is interested. All the terms and provisions of this article are to be liberally construed to effectuate the purposes herein set forth, this being a remedial law.

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