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The departmentshall create a discharge plan for any offender returning to the community,regardless of whether the person will discharge from the custody ofthe department, or is released on parole, pardon, or otherwise. Atleast ninety (90) days prior to an offender's earliest releasedate, the commissioner shall conduct a pre-release assessment andcomplete a written discharge plan based on the assessment results.The discharge plan for parole eligible offenders shall be sent tothe parole board at least thirty (30) days prior to the offender'sparole eligibility date for approval. The board may suggest changesto the plan that it deems necessary to ensure a successful transition.
The pre-releaseassessment shall identify whether an inmate requires assistance obtainingthe following basic needs upon release: transportation, clothing andfood, financial resources, identification documents, housing, employment,education, health care and support systems. The discharge plan shallinclude information necessary to address these needs and the stepsbeing taken by the department to assist in this process. Based onthe findings of the assessment, the commissioner shall:
Arrange transportationfor inmates from the correctional facility to their release destination;
Ensure inmateshave clean, seasonally appropriate clothing, and provide inmates witha list of food providers and other basic resources immediately accessibleupon release;
Ensure inmateshave a driver's license or a state-issued identification cardthat is not a Department of Corrections identification card;
Assist inmatesin identifying safe, affordable housing upon release. If accommodationsare not available, determine whether temporary housing is availablefor at least ten (10) days after release. If temporary housing isnot available, the discharge plan shall reflect that satisfactoryhousing has not been established and the person may be a candidatefor transitional reentry center placement;
Refer inmateswithout secured employment to employment opportunities;
Provide inmateswith contact information of a health care facility/provider in thecommunity in which they plan to reside;
Notify familymembers of the release date and release plan, if inmate agrees; and
Refer inmatesto a community or a faith-based organization that can offer supportwithin the first twenty-four (24) hours of release;
A written dischargeplan shall be provided to the offender and supervising probation officeror parole officer, if applicable.
A discharge plancreated for a parole-eligible offender shall also include supervisionconditions and the intensity of supervision based on the assessedrisk to recidivate and whether there is a need for transitional housing.The board shall approve discharge plans before an offender is releasedon parole pursuant to this chapter.