Department to collect certain prison, probation and post-release supervision data; report to Oversight Task Force

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  1. The Mississippi Department of Corrections shall collect the following information:
    1. Prison data shall include:

      1. Recidivism rates by offense type;

      2. Recidivism rates by risk level;

      1. The number of offenders entering prison on a new offense;
      2. The number of offenders entering prison as a revocation of supervision;
      3. The average sentence length for new prison sentences by offense type;
      4. The average sentence length for offenders entering prison for a probation revocation;
      5. The average sentence length for offenders entering prison for a parole revocation;
      6. The average percentage of prison sentence served in prison by offense type;
      7. The average length of stay by offense type;
      8. Recidivism rates. For the purposes of this report, "recidivism" means conviction of a new felony offense within three (3) years of release from prison;
      9. Total prison population;

      1. By offense type;

      2. By type of admission into prison.

    2. Probation data shall include:
      1. The number of offenders supervised on probation;
      2. The number of offenders placed on probation;
      3. The number of probationers revoked for a technical violation and sentenced to a term of imprisonment in a technical violation center;
      4. The number of probationers revoked for a technical violation and sentenced to a term of imprisonment in another type of department of correction;
      5. The number of probationers who are convicted of a new felony offense and sentenced to a term of imprisonment;
      6. The number of probationers held on a violation in a county jail awaiting a revocation hearing; and
      7. The average length of stay in a county jail for probationers awaiting a revocation hearing.
    3. Post-release supervision data shall include:
      1. The number of offenders supervised on post-release supervision;
      2. The number of offenders placed on post-release supervision;
      3. The number of post-release probationers revoked for a technical violation and sentenced to a term of imprisonment in a technical violation center;
      4. The number of post-release probationers revoked for a technical violation and sentenced to a term of imprisonment in another type of department of correction facility;
      5. The number of post-release probationers who are convicted of a new felony offense and sentenced to a term of imprisonment;
      6. The number of post-release probationers held on a violation in a county jail awaiting a revocation hearing; and
      7. The average length of stay in a county jail for post-release probationers awaiting a revocation hearing.
  2. The Department of Corrections shall semiannually report information required in subsection (1) of this section to the Oversight Task Force, and upon request, shall report the information to the PEER Committee.

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