Reimbursement for attending training program; professional library
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The board shall establish, provide or maintain law enforcement training programs through such agencies and institutions as the board may deem appropriate.
The board shall authorize, but only from such funds authorized and appropriated by the Legislature, the reimbursement to each political subdivision and to state agencies of at least fifty percent (50%) of the allowable salary and allowable tuition, living and travel expense incurred by law enforcement officers in attendance at approved training programs, provided said political subdivisions and state agencies do in fact adhere to the selection and training standards established by the board. The board shall authorize, but only from such funds authorized and appropriated by the Legislature, the direct funding of a part-time law enforcement officer training program. The board shall require the payment of a reasonable tuition fee to aid in funding the costs of administering the part-time law enforcement officer training program.
The board is authorized to expend funds for the purpose of providing a professional library and training aids that will be available to state agencies and political subdivisions.
If any full- or part-time law enforcement officer in this state who is employed by a municipality, county or other governmental entity shall, within three (3) years after the date of his employment, resign from, or be terminated from, employment by such entity and immediately become employed by another governmental entity in a law enforcement capacity, then the governmental entity by which the resigned or terminated officer is employed shall reimburse the governmental entity from which the officer resigned or was terminated a proportionate share of the officer's law enforcement training expenses which were incurred by such entity, if any.
The Mississippi Board on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Training shall reimburse each county for the expenses incurred by sheriffs and deputy sheriffs for attendance at approved training programs as provided in Section 25-3-25.