Permit required before erecting, constructing, installing or altering conveyances; application for permit; revocation or expiration of permit
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A permit must be obtained before a conveyance covered by this chapter shall be erected, constructed, installed or altered within buildings or structures in this state. Where any material alteration is made, the device shall conform to applicable requirements as determined by the commissioner. A permit may be issued only to a licensed elevator contractor, and a copy of the permit shall be kept at the construction site at all times while the work is in progress.
Each application for a permit shall be accompanied by copies of specifications and accurately scaled and fully dimensioned plans showing the location of the installation in relation to the plans and elevation of the building; the location of the machinery room/machinery space and the equipment to be installed, relocated or altered; all structural supporting members thereof, including foundations; and shall specify all materials to be employed and all loads to be supported or conveyed. The plans and specifications shall be sufficiently complete to illustrate all details of construction and design.
Permits may be revoked for the following reasons:
Where any false statement or misrepresentation as to the material facts was made in the application, plans, or specifications on which the permit was based.
Where the permit was issued in error and should not have been issued in accordance with the code.
Where the work detailed under the permit is not being performed in accordance with the provisions of the application, plans or specifications or with the code or conditions of the permit.
Where the elevator contractor to whom the permit was issued fails or refuses to comply with a stop work order.
A permit expires if the work authorized by a permit is not commenced within six (6) months after the date of issuance.
For good cause, an extension of the permit may be granted.
A permit is not required for a repair.
The commissioner may by rules and regulations establish a fee schedule for the permits and certifications issued under this section. The fee schedule must be similar to fees charged for the same services in surrounding states.