Application process; fee schedule; applicant qualifications and abilities; terms of license; renewal
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The Commissioner of Insurance shall develop and implement an application process and fee schedule for licenses designated in this chapter. The fee schedule adopted by the commissioner must be similar to those fees charged for similar services by the surrounding states.
Applicants for a mechanic license must demonstrate one (1) of the following qualifications and abilities:
An acceptable combination of documented experience and education credits of, within the last five (5) years, not less than four (4) years' work experience in the elevator industry, whether in construction, maintenance or service and repair, or any combination thereof, as verified by current and previous employers, and satisfactory completion of a written examination approved by the administrator on the most recent applicable codes and standards;
Certificates of completion of an apprenticeship program for elevator mechanics having standards substantially equal to those of this chapter, and registered with the Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training or the United States Department of Labor.
A license shall be issued to an applicant who holds a valid license from a state having standards substantially equal to those of this chapter without examination and upon verification of qualification by the administrator.
Any person who furnishes the licensing authority with acceptable proof that the person has worked as an elevator constructor, maintenance or repair mechanic, upon making application for a license, shall be entitled to receive an elevator mechanic license without examination if the person has worked without direct and immediate supervision for a licensed elevator contractor for not less than four (4) years immediately before July 1, 2013. To be eligible to be licensed without examination under this paragraph, the person must make an application for licensure on or before July 1, 2014. A license is not required for an elevator helper or apprentice; however, a licensed mechanic is limited to directly supervise only three (3) helpers or apprentices.
Applicants for an inspector license must meet the standards as set forth by the Commissioner of Insurance.
Applicants for an elevator contractor license must demonstrate that they have in their employ licensed elevator mechanic(s).
An elevator contractor license may be issued to an applicant who holds an equivalent valid license from a state having standards substantially equal to those of this chapter.
Applicants for a limited elevator contractor license must demonstrate that they have in their employ licensed elevator mechanic(s).
A limited elevator contractor license may be issued to an applicant who holds an equivalent valid license from a state having standards substantially equal to those of this chapter.
Except when otherwise expressly provided, licenses issued under this chapter shall be valid for two (2) years.
The renewal of all licenses granted under the provisions of this section may be conditioned upon the submission of a certificate of completion of a course designed to ensure the continuing education of licensees. The courses shall be subject to approval by the licensing authority administrator and shall consist of not less than eight (8) hours of instruction that shall be attended and completed within one (1) year immediately preceding such license renewal.
The commissioner, upon written request, may grant exception to or extend the time in which a licensee must comply with the continuing educational requirements of this section for reasons of poor health, military service or other reasonable or just causes.