Rules and regulations

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  1. The State Board of Health (hereinafter board) shall adopt definitions, rules and regulations for the safe construction, installation, inspection, care and good practice in the operation, maintenance and repair of boilers and pressure vessels.
    1. The definitions, rules and regulations so formulated for new construction shall be based upon and at all times follow the generally accepted nationwide engineering standards, formulae and practices established and pertaining to boiler and pressure vessel construction and safety, and the board shall at its first meeting adopt an existing published codification thereof known as the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (hereinafter ASME), with the amendments, code cases and interpretations thereto made and approved by ASME, and may likewise adopt the amendments and interpretations subsequently made and published by the same authority; and when so adopted, the same shall be deemed incorporated into and to constitute a part of the whole of the definitions, rules and regulations of the committee. Amendments, code cases and interpretations to the code so adopted shall be effective immediately upon being promulgated, to the end that the definitions, rules and regulations shall at all times follow the generally accepted nationwide engineering standards.
    2. The board shall adopt rules and regulations for the inspection, care and good practice in operation, maintenance and repair of boilers and pressure vessels which were in use in this state prior to the date upon which the first rules and regulations under this chapter pertaining to existing installations become effective, or during the twelve-month period immediately thereafter. The rules and regulations so formulated and recommended shall be based upon and at all times follow the generally accepted nationwide engineering standards.
  2. The rules and regulations and any subsequent amendments thereto adopted by the board shall, immediately following a hearing upon not less than thirty (30) day's notice as hereinafter provided, be approved and published and when so promulgated shall have the force and effect of law, except that the rules applying to the construction of new boilers and pressure vessels shall not become mandatory until twelve (12) months after their promulgation by the board. Subsequent amendments to the rules and regulations adopted by the board shall be permissive immediately and shall become mandatory twelve (12) months after their promulgation.
  3. Notice of the hearing shall give the time and place of the hearing and shall state the matters to be considered. Such notice shall be given to all persons directly affected by such hearing. In the event all persons directly affected are unknown, notice shall be perfected by publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the Northern, Central and Southern Supreme Court Districts of this state at least thirty (30) days prior to such hearing.

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