Every owner, lessee, keeper, or proprietor of a hotel or a lodging house who shall, when the same is prescribed by law to be done, fail, neglect or refuse:
To provide for each room a rope or rope ladder, or other like appliance; or
To give notice calling attention to such rope or rope ladder or appliance, and giving directions for its use; or
To provide iron balconies with iron stairs; or
To provide a hand or side rail to each stairway; or
To provide a Mississippi Fire Prevention Code-approved electric fire detector; or
To give alarm and awaken all guests and inmates of his house in case of fire therein or in close proximity thereto; or
To do everything in case of fire in his power to rescue the guests or inmates of his house; or
To do anything required by law to be done under the provisions of Sections 45-11-21 through 45-11-55;
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on conviction, shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail not less than ninety (90) days nor more than six (6) months, or fined not less than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) nor more than One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00), or both such fine and imprisonment.