Commissioner authorized to enter into reciprocal agreements with bordering states for purpose of entering such state to make arrest; commissioner to require Department of Public Safety to enter into Memorandum of Understanding with county registrars for purpose of providing Mississippi Voter Identification Card

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  1. The Commissioner of Public Safety is hereby authorized and directed to seek reciprocal agreements with bordering states to allow law enforcement officers of the State of Mississippi to enter into such bordering states while in pursuit of persons who have committed crimes for the purpose of apprehending and arresting such persons. Any state who enters into such reciprocal agreement shall be authorized to enter into the State of Mississippi for the same purpose.
  2. The Commissioner of Public Safety shall require the Department of Public Safety to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding, which is negotiated by the Secretary of State, with the registrar of each county for the purpose of providing a Mississippi Voter Identification Card.

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