Department of Public Safety authorized to charge fees for services and reports

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    1. The Mississippi Department of Public Safety being required by law to keep various records and perform various services and being authorized to furnish certain records and services, the department, by direction of the Commissioner of Public Safety, shall establish and collect for such services a proper fee, commensurate with the service rendered and the cost of the service for the furnishing of any record or abstract thereof in the Department of Public Safety now or which may hereafter be required by law to be kept by said department, any photograph or photo copy or any report of any kind authorized by law, including services for polygraph tests and reports thereof.
    2. No records shall be furnished by the Mississippi Department of Public Safety which are classified as confidential by law. All fees collected under this section shall be paid into the General Fund of the State Treasury in accordance with the provisions of Section 45-1-23(2).
    1. (i) The Commissioner of Public Safety, by rule duly filed with the Secretary of State under the Administrative Procedures Act, may establish a card stock fee to be paid by an applicant when specifically authorized by statute for producing a license, permit or identification card bearing the likeness of the applicant. The card stock fee shall be the actual cost of producing the license, permit or identification card as set by contract rounded off to the next highest dollar.
      1. The administrative rule filing shall include either:

      1. A copy of the contract governing the actual cost of producing the license permit or identification card, from which nonpublic information may be redacted; or

      2. An abstract of the pertinent parts of the contract verified to be correct by the person responsible for the administrative rule filing.

    2. Monies collected for the card stock fee shall be deposited into a special card stock fee account which the Department of Public Safety shall use to pay the actual cost of producing the licenses and identification cards. Any monies collected in excess of the actual costs of the card stock fee may be used by the department to defray the cost of future photography, fraud deterrence and driver's license technology initiatives. Money remaining in the fund at the end of a fiscal year shall not lapse into the State General Fund and any interest earned from the investment of monies in the fund shall be deposited to the credit of the fund.

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