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As used in this article:

"Long-term care facility" means a facility required to be licensed under Section 43-11-1 et seq.

"Long-term care insurance" means the same as in 26 USCS Section 7702B.

"Long-term care services" means the following necessary services that originate in a setting other than an acute care hospital and that are provided to individuals whose functional capacities are chronically impaired:

Physician's services;

Nursing services;

Diagnostic services;

Therapeutic services including physical therapy, speech therapy, and occupational therapy;

Rehabilitative services;

Maintenance services;

Personal care services individually designed to assist with an individual's physical dependency needs related to bathing, bladder and bowel requirements, dressing, eating, personal hygiene, medications, mobility, incidental housekeeping, laundry, and shopping for personal maintenance items;

Transportation services;

Day care services;

Respite care services; and

Services provided by chiropractors, podiatrists, and optometrists.

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