As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires, the term:
"Ambulance" means any privately or publicly owned land or air vehicle that is especially designed, constructed, modified or equipped to be used, maintained and operated upon the streets, highways or airways of this state to assist persons who are sick, injured, wounded, or otherwise incapacitated or helpless;
"Permit" means an authorization issued for an ambulance vehicle and/or a special use EMS vehicle as meeting the standards adopted under this chapter;
"License" means an authorization to any person, firm, corporation, or governmental division or agency to provide ambulance services in the State of Mississippi;
"Emergency medical technician" means an individual who possesses a valid emergency medical technician's certificate issued under the provisions of this chapter or who has a privilege to practice under the Emergency Medical Services Personnel Licensure Interstate Compact;
"Certificate" means official acknowledgment that an individual has successfully completed (i) the recommended basic emergency medical technician training course referred to in this chapter which entitles that individual to perform the functions and duties of an emergency medical technician, or (ii) the recommended medical first responder training course referred to in this chapter which entitles that individual to perform the functions and duties of a medical first responder;
"Board" means the State Board of Health;
"Department" means the State Department of Health, Division of Emergency Medical Services;
"Executive officer" means the Executive Officer of the State Board of Health, or his designated representative;
"First responder" means a person who uses a limited amount of equipment to perform the initial assessment of and intervention with sick, wounded or otherwise incapacitated persons;
"Medical first responder" means a person who uses a limited amount of equipment to perform the initial assessment of and intervention with sick, wounded or otherwise incapacitated persons who (i) is trained to assist other EMS personnel by successfully completing, and remaining current in refresher training in accordance with, an approved "First Responder: National Standard Curriculum" training program, as developed and promulgated by the United States Department of Transportation; (ii) is nationally registered as a first responder by the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians; and (iii) is certified as a medical first responder by the State Department of Health, Division of Emergency Medical Services;
"Invalid vehicle" means any privately or publicly owned land or air vehicle that is maintained, operated and used only to transport persons routinely who are convalescent or otherwise nonambulatory and do not require the service of an emergency medical technician while in transit;
"Special use EMS vehicle" means any privately or publicly owned land, water or air emergency vehicle used to support the provision of emergency medical services. These vehicles shall not be used routinely to transport patients;
"Trauma care system" or "trauma system" means a formally organized arrangement of health care resources that has been designated by the department by which major trauma victims are triaged, transported to and treated at trauma care facilities;
"Trauma care facility" or "trauma center" means a hospital located in the State of Mississippi or a Level I trauma care facility or center located in a state contiguous to the State of Mississippi that has been designated by the department to perform specified trauma care services within a trauma care system pursuant to standards adopted by the department;
"Trauma registry" means a collection of data on patients who receive hospital care for certain types of injuries. Such data are primarily designed to ensure quality trauma care and outcomes in individual institutions and trauma systems, but have the secondary purpose of providing useful data for the surveillance of injury morbidity and mortality;
"Emergency medical condition" means a medical condition manifesting itself by acute symptoms of sufficient severity, including severe pain, psychiatric disturbances and/or symptoms of substance abuse, such that a prudent layperson who possesses an average knowledge of health and medicine could reasonably expect the absence of immediate medical attention to result in placing the health of the individual (or, with respect to a pregnant woman, the health of the woman or her unborn child) in serious jeopardy, serious impairment to bodily functions, or serious dysfunction of any bodily organ or part;
"Emergency medical call" means a situation that is presumptively classified at time of dispatch to have a high index of probability that an emergency medical condition or other situation exists that requires medical intervention as soon as possible to reduce the seriousness of the situation, or when the exact circumstances are unknown, but the nature of the request is suggestive of a true emergency where a patient may be at risk;
"Emergency response" means responding immediately at the basic life support or advanced life support level of service to an emergency medical call. An immediate response is one in which the ambulance supplier begins as quickly as possible to take the steps necessary to respond to the call;
"Emergency mode" means an ambulance or special use EMS vehicle operating with emergency lights and warning siren (or warning siren and air horn) while engaged in an emergency medical call.