Powers of district

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  1. Any air ambulance service district, through its board of directors, is hereby empowered:
    1. To develop, in conjunction with the head of any federal and/or state agency as may be involved, a plan for air ambulance services to persons within or without the district, including communications and other systems incident to the efficient performance of such services.
    2. To acquire and maintain any equipment necessary for the provision of such services.
    3. To set reasonable rates for services and charge for each ambulance call made.
    4. To establish rules and regulations for the use of air ambulance services both within and without the boundaries of the district, including cooperation with other air ambulance district organizations within the state and other emergency service agencies, including ground ambulances.
    5. To employ professional managerial, technical, and clerical help as may be needed in providing air ambulance services.
    6. To enter into agreements with ground ambulance facilities.
    7. To borrow, acting by and through the boards of supervisors of the individual counties comprising the district, a sum of money in anticipation of the revenue to be received from taxes levied by such counties for the support of the district; the boards of supervisors in so doing shall follow the requirements of Section 19-9-27.
    8. To make contracts and to execute instruments necessary or convenient to the exercise of the powers, rights, privileges, and functions conferred upon it by Sections 41-55-31 through 41-55-57.
    9. To make, or cause to be made, surveys and engineering investigations relating to the project, or related projects, for the information of the district, to facilitate the accomplishment of the purposes for which it is created.
    10. To apply for and accept grants from the United States of America, or from any corporation or agency created or designated by the United States of America, and to ratify and accept applications heretofore or hereafter made by voluntary associations to such agencies for grants to construct, maintain or operate any project or projects which hereafter may be undertaken or contemplated by said district.
    11. To do any and all other acts or things necessary, requisite or convenient to the exercising of the powers, rights, privileges or functions conferred upon it by Sections 41-55-31 through 41-55-57 or any act of law.
  2. In addition to the powers set forth in subsection (1), the board of directors of any air ambulance service district is further authorized and empowered to exercise all powers conferred upon the governing boards of emergency medical service districts under the provisions of the Emergency Medical Services Act of 1974 and amendments thereto.

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