Requirements for outpatient commitments

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  1. If the commitment order directs outpatient treatment, the outpatient treatment physician may prescribe or administer to the respondent treatment consistent with accepted medical standards.
  2. If the respondent fails or clearly refuses to comply with outpatient treatment, the director of the treatment facility, his designee or an interested person shall make all reasonable efforts to solicit the respondent's compliance. These efforts shall be documented and, if the respondent fails or clearly refuses to comply with outpatient treatment after such efforts are made, such efforts shall be documented with the court by affidavit. Upon the filing of the affidavit, the sheriff of the proper county is authorized to take the respondent into his custody.
  3. The respondent may be returned to the treatment facility as soon thereafter as facilities are available. The respondent may request a hearing within ten (10) days of his return to the treatment facility. Such hearing shall be held pursuant to the requirements set forth in Section 41-21-81.
  4. The chancery court of the county where the public facility is located or the committing court shall have jurisdiction over matters concerning outpatient commitments when such an order is sought subsequent to an inpatient course of treatment pursuant to Sections 41-21-61 through 41-21-107, 43-21-611, 99-13-7 and 99-13-9. An outpatient shall not have or be charged for a recommitment process within a period of twelve (12) months of the initial outpatient order.

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