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Unless he or she has a legal guardian or conservator, a married person or a person eighteen (18) years of age or older may be admitted to a treatment facility as a voluntary admittee for treatment, provided that the director deems the person suitable for admission, upon the filing of an application with the director, accompanied by certificates of two (2) physicians or by one (1) physician and one (1) psychologist, one (1) nurse practitioner or one (1) physician assistant who certify that they examined the person within the last five (5) days and that the person is in need of observation, diagnosis and treatment. The director may accept applications from the person seeking admission or any interested person with the applicant's written consent.
A person with an intellectual disability who is under the age of eighteen (18) years and who is not married may be admitted to a treatment facility upon application of his or her parent or legal guardian if the following has occurred:
An investigation by the director that carefully probes the person's social, psychological and developmental background; and
A determination by the director that the person will benefit from care and treatment of his or her disorder at the facility and that services and facilities are available. The reasons for the determination shall be recorded in writing.
A person with an intellectual disability or with mental illness who is married or eighteen (18) years of age or older and who has a legal guardian or conservator may be admitted to a treatment facility upon application of his or her legal guardian or conservator if authorization to make the application has been received from the court having jurisdiction of the guardianship or conservatorship and the following has occurred:
An investigation by the director that carefully probes the person's social, psychological and developmental background; and
A determination by the director that the person will benefit from care and treatment of his or her disorder at the facility and that services and facilities are available. The reasons for the determination shall be recorded in writing.
A person with mental illness who is under the age of fourteen (14) years may be admitted to a treatment facility upon the application of his or her parent or legal guardian if the following has occurred:
An investigation by the director that carefully probes the person's social, psychological and developmental background; and
A determination by the director that the person will benefit from care and treatment of his or her disorder at the facility and that services and facilities are available. The reasons for the determination shall be recorded in writing.
A person with mental illness who is fourteen (14) years of age or older but less than eighteen (18) years of age may be admitted to a treatment facility in the same manner as an adult may be involuntarily committed.
Any voluntary admittee may leave a treatment facility after five (5) days, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, after he or she gives any member of the treatment facility staff written notice of his or her desire to leave, unless before leaving, the patient withdraws the notice by written withdrawal or unless within those five (5) days a petition and the certificates of two (2) examining physicians, or one (1) examining physician and one (1) psychologist, nurse practitioner or physician assistant, stating that the patient is in need of treatment, are filed with the chancery clerk in the county of the patient's residence or the county in which the treatment facility is located; however, if the admittee is at Mississippi State Hospital at Whitfield, the petition and certificate shall be filed with the chancery clerk in the county of patient's residence or with the Chancery Clerk for the First Judicial District of Hinds County, and the chancellor or clerk shall order a hearing under Sections 41-21-61 through 41-21-107. The patient may continue to be hospitalized pending a final order of the court in the court proceedings.
The written application form for voluntary admission shall contain in large, bold-face type a statement in simple, nontechnical terms that the admittee may not leave for five (5) days, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, after giving written notice of his or her desire to leave. This right to leave must also be communicated orally to the admittee at the time of his or her admission, and a copy of the application form given to the admittee and to any parent, guardian, relative, attorney or friend who accompanied the patient to the treatment facility.