Location of center

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The center shall be located on a site selected by the Board of Trustees of Mental Institutions and approved by the Mississippi State Building Commission. The center, however, shall be located as near as possible to an urban area or institution having adequate medical and hospital facilities and shall embrace sufficient land for such agricultural activities as the board may deem necessary for the operation of the center.

Out of funds provided therefor by the Legislature or from any sources, the building commission is hereby authorized to purchase or acquire the necessary land for the location of the center; or the commission may acquire the land by gift, deed, transfer, or other legitimate means; or the center may be located on land belonging to the state or one of its political subdivisions. However, any such land selected shall be transferred or deeded to the State of Mississippi for the sole use of the Board of Trustees of Mental Institutions in carrying out the provisions of Sections 41-19-1 through 41-19-17.

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