Public construction or improvement affecting potential Mississippi landmarks

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  1. In the early stages of planning and always prior to the letting of bids for public construction, public improvement of any nature, or the transfer of public property to private ownership, state agencies, local governments and all their political subdivisions shall notify the board of the planned action on a form supplied by the board. The board may survey the affected area, property, structure, or building, to determine if potential Mississippi landmarks will be affected, or if significant sites, buildings, or structures on nonpublic lands will be affected.
  2. If the department determines that significant historic, architectural, or archaeological sites, buildings, structures, locations, or remains will be adversely affected by the public construction or improvement, the proposed public construction or improvement may not be commenced until the department has issued the permit herein required, and has performed all necessary investigations, recording and/or salvage of the site, location or remains. All investigation, recording and salvage work shall be performed as expeditiously as possible so that no public construction project will be unduly impaired, impeded or delayed.
  3. If in the course of performing public construction or improvements, historic, prehistoric or archaeological sites, locations, remains or objects are discovered, the department shall be notified and its concurrence shall be requested in continuing the construction or improvement. Upon receipt of this notice, the department shall survey the area to confirm whether the area contains historic, prehistoric, or archaeological data which should be preserved in the public interest. The survey shall be conducted as expeditiously as possible. If, as a result of the survey, it is determined that (a) this data exists in the area, (b) the data has exceptional historic, prehistoric or archaeological significance and should be collected and preserved in the public interest, and (c) it is feasible to collect and preserve the data, the department shall perform the necessary work to collect and preserve the data. This work shall be performed as expeditiously as possible. When it is not feasible to collect the data, the agency shall make all reasonable attempts to avoid the site before proceeding. If in the board's opinion the site possesses unusual significance, and is unique to such a degree that the landmark is, or is likely to be, the sole representative of a type or period, the board may prohibit further construction which would destroy or irreparably harm the landmark.

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