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For purposes of this article:

"Administrative board" shall mean that board of trustees within a public library system designated pursuant to Section 39-3-13(4), Mississippi Code of 1972, with the administrative responsibilities prescribed under Section 39-3-17, Mississippi Code of 1972.

"Commission" means the Mississippi Library Commission established under Section 39-3-101, Mississippi Code of 1972.

"Cooperative" means any joint effort by two (2) or more library systems to improve library service.

"Development system" means the statewide library development system, a network of public and nonpublic libraries cooperating in communities, districts and statewide to provide better library service.

"Public library" means a library which provides customary services, without charge, to all the residents of a county, city or region and is supported whole or in part by public funds.

"Public library system" means an affiliation of one or more public libraries that (i) is a minimum of one (1) county unit; (ii) has one (1) library administrative board of trustees; (iii) has one (1) library system director; (iv) is established according to Section 39-3-8, 39-3-9, 39-3-11 or 39-3-13, Mississippi Code of 1972; and (v) is supported whole or in part by public funds.

"Nonpublic library" means a school, college or university, medical, business, law or other special library.

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