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  1. The board of library commissioners shall elect a director whose term of office shall be for a period of four years, unless, for good cause shown, the board of library commissioners removes said director.
  2. The director shall be chosen outside the membership of the board of library commissioners, and shall be a trained, experienced librarian holding a degree from a college or university of recognized standing. The director shall have completed the required course covered in a school of library service accredited by the American Library Association and shall have had at least two years' experience as an administrative librarian or director of a state or public library. The director shall keep an accurate record of all accounts and financial transactions of the board, shall have charge of organizing new libraries and directing library development in the state, so as to give and furnish every citizen and resident of the state free library service of the highest quality consistent with modern methods and as may be justified by financial and economic conditions, and shall have all general administrative duties incident to carrying on the work of the Mississippi Library Commission. All necessary and actual traveling expense incurred by the members of the Mississippi Library Commission, and by the director or any member of the staff, acting under the authority and direction of the board of commissioners, while on business for the Mississippi Library Commission, shall be paid from the funds appropriated and made available for use, maintenance and operation of the Mississippi Library Commission. In addition to the director, the board of library commissioners may employ, upon recommendations of the director, such other persons as may be deemed necessary to carry out the purposes of this article.

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