Limitation on aggregate receipts from taxes for school purposes; disposition of excess receipts

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  1. Beginning with the tax levy for the 1997 fiscal year and for each fiscal year thereafter, the aggregate receipts from taxes levied for school district purposes pursuant to Sections 37-57-105 and 37-57-1 shall not exceed the aggregate receipts from those sources during any one (1) of the immediately preceding three (3) fiscal years, as determined by the school board, plus an increase not to exceed seven percent (7%). For the purpose of this limitation, the term "aggregate receipts" when used in connection with the amount of funds generated in a preceding fiscal year shall not include excess receipts required by law to be deposited into a special account. However, the term "aggregate receipts" includes any receipts required by law to be paid to a charter school. The additional revenue from the ad valorem tax on any newly constructed properties or any existing properties added to the tax rolls or any properties previously exempt which were not assessed in the next preceding year may be excluded from the seven percent (7%) increase limitation set forth herein. Taxes levied for payment of principal of and interest on general obligation school bonds issued heretofore or hereafter shall be excluded from the seven percent (7%) increase limitation set forth herein. Any additional millage levied to fund any new program mandated by the Legislature shall be excluded from the limitation for the first year of the levy and included within such limitation in any year thereafter. For the purposes of this section, the term "new program" shall include, but shall not be limited to, (a) the Early Childhood Education Program required to commence with the 1986-1987 school year as provided by Section 37-21-7 and any additional millage levied and the revenue generated therefrom, which is excluded from the limitation for the first year of the levy, to support the mandated Early Childhood Education Program shall be specified on the minutes of the school board and of the governing body making such tax levy; (b) any additional millage levied and the revenue generated therefrom which shall be excluded from the limitation for the first year of the levy, for the purpose of generating additional local contribution funds required for the adequate education program for the 2003 fiscal year and for each fiscal year thereafter under Section 37-151-7(2); and (c) any additional millage levied and the revenue generated therefrom which shall be excluded from the limitation for the first year of the levy, for the purpose of support and maintenance of any agricultural high school which has been transferred to the control, operation and maintenance of the school board by the board of trustees of the community college district under provisions of Section 37-29-272.
  2. The seven percent (7%) increase limitation prescribed in this section may be increased an additional amount only when the school board has determined the need for additional revenues and has held an election on the question of raising the limitation prescribed in this section. The limitation may be increased only if three-fifths (3/5) of those voting in the election shall vote for the proposed increase. The resolution, notice and manner of holding the election shall be as prescribed by law for the holding of elections for the issuance of bonds by the respective school boards. Revenues collected for the fiscal year in excess of the seven percent (7%) increase limitation pursuant to an election shall be included in the tax base for the purpose of determining aggregate receipts for which the seven percent (7%) increase limitation applies for subsequent fiscal years.
  3. Except as otherwise provided for excess revenues generated pursuant to an election, if revenues collected as the result of the taxes levied for the fiscal year pursuant to this section and Section 37-57-1 exceed the increase limitation, then it shall be the mandatory duty of the school board of the school district to deposit such excess receipts over and above the increase limitation into a special account and credit it to the fund for which the levy was made. It will be the further duty of such board to hold said funds and invest the same as authorized by law. Such excess funds shall be calculated in the budgets for the school districts for the purpose for which such levies were made, for the succeeding fiscal year. Taxes imposed for the succeeding year shall be reduced by the amount of excess funds available. Under no circumstances shall such excess funds be expended during the fiscal year in which such excess funds are collected.
  4. For the purposes of determining ad valorem tax receipts for a preceding fiscal year under this section, the term "fiscal year" means the fiscal year beginning October 1 and ending September 30.
  5. Beginning with the 2013-2014 school year, each school district in which a charter school is located shall pay to the charter school an amount for each student enrolled in the charter school equal to the ad valorem taxes levied per pupil for the support of the school district in which the charter school is located. The pro rata ad valorem taxes to be transferred to the charter school must include all levies for the support of the school district under Sections 37-57-1 (local contribution to the adequate education program) and 37-57-105 (school district operational levy) but may not include any taxes levied for the retirement of school district bonded indebtedness or short-term notes or any taxes levied for the support of vocational-technical education programs. Payments made pursuant to this subsection by a school district to a charter school must be made before the expiration of three (3) business days after the funds are distributed to the school district.

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