When the reporter's notes shall have been transcribed, the reporter shall certify same and file an original and one copy with the commission and give notice by registered mail of the fact of such filing to the county board or county boards of education and the board of trustees of any municipal separate school district involved in the proceeding covered by the transcript, and their respective counsel of record, if any, and to the commission.
Any correction of the transcript shall be made in the same manner provided for correcting a transcript in Section 9-13-35, Mississippi Code of 1972, with the commission exercising the rights and power of the trial judge mentioned therein, and the executive secretary of the commission exercising the duties of the clerk mentioned in said section. The written agreement provided by said section concerning the transcript therein provided to be filed in the supreme court may be entered into and filed in the chancery court to which the appeal is taken from any final rule, regulation or order of the commission.