Eligibility for vocational rehabilitation; services provided

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  1. Vocational rehabilitation services shall be provided to any individual who is blind, (i) who is a resident of the state at the time of filing his or her application therefor and whose vocational rehabilitation the director determines after full investigation can be satisfactorily achieved, or (ii) who is eligible therefor under the terms of an agreement with another state or with the federal government. Except as otherwise provided by law or as specified in any agreement with the federal government with respect to classes of individuals certified to the agency under that agreement, the following rehabilitation services shall be provided to blind individuals, utilizing available financial resources. These may include state, federal and/or personal funds. The services shall include:
    1. Physical restoration;
    2. Transportation not provided to determine the eligibility of the individual for vocational rehabilitation services and the nature and extent of the services necessary;
    3. Occupational licenses;
    4. Placement equipment, tools and supplies;
    5. Maintenance;
    6. Training books and materials;
    7. Supported employment services, rehabilitation engineering services and independent living services.
  2. No person shall be determined ineligible because of financial status.

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