Powers and duties of Office on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
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There is hereby established an Office on Deaf and Hard of Hearing within the State Department of Rehabilitation Services, hereinafter referred to as "ODHH."
The ODHH shall have the following responsibilities:
To work to make interpreter services available to people who are deaf or hard of hearing;
To work to increase the number of qualified interpreters in the state and to increase the certification level of interpreters in the state;
To maintain a registry of available and qualified interpreters in the state;
To provide community outreach, training and education to the public and private sectors, including business, governmental entities, schools and political subdivisions, on issues related to the deaf and hard of hearing;
To serve as a collection point and clearinghouse for information and data related to deafness, including program and service options available for adults and children who are deaf and hard of hearing;
To encourage, participate in and conduct studies and research on issues related to the deaf and hard of hearing;
To provide advice and information to the Mississippi Legislature;
To work with public and private entities, including community and four-year colleges and universities, to accomplish the responsibilities of the ODHH;
To discharge such other duties, responsibilities and powers as are necessary to implement the provisions of this section.
A service center for ODHH shall be established and operated according to policies established by the ODHH and approved by the State Board of Rehabilitation Services.
The ODHH shall be staffed by an office director, an administrative assistant and full-time and part-time interpreters. These staff members shall be employees of the State Department of Rehabilitation Services. The ODHH shall also have the power to contract with free lance interpreters as needed.
The ODHH shall establish and utilize an advisory council made up of a majority of members who are deaf or hard of hearing. The first members of the ODHH Advisory Council shall be appointed for a one-year term; subsequent appointments or reappointments shall be made for two-year terms.
The ODHH is authorized to apply for and accept funds from any source and to receive contributions, gifts or any other funds from any private or public source.
The ODHH shall be funded subject to appropriation by the Legislature and in operation by July 1, 1998.