Eligibility for instruction in Literary and Nemeth Braille reading and writing; determination of need for Braille instruction or use

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  1. Each blind student, as determined by the IEP Committee, shall be eligible for instruction in Literary and Nemeth Braille reading and writing codes which will sufficiently enable that student to communicate effectively and efficiently with the same level of proficiency expected of the student's peers of comparable ability and grade level.
  2. It shall be the standard procedure for the IEP or 504 Team under Section 37-23-195 that Braille instruction or the use of Braille is required for the student, and the student's IEP or 504 Plan must be written in consultation with a Certified Teacher of the Visually Impaired.
  3. If the IEP or 504 team determines procedures other than the standard for the appropriate reading and writing media of a student are required, its decision must be based on the current ability and needs as well as the future needs of the student, considering the following:
    1. For a student with some residual vision where the team decides that large print, or large print in combination with Braille, is the appropriate reading and writing media, then that decision must be supported by a statement from a TVI declaring that the appropriate reading and writing media for that student is not Braille; and
    2. The reading and writing media of a student with some residual vision shall be determined after a TVI has administered and reviewed the results of a research-based learning media assessment and reviewed a student's current reading and writing skill level in comparison to levels expected of the student's sighted peers as determined by the IEP Committee.

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