To encourage the full inclusion of students with disabilities in all aspects of academic and extracurricular activities, the State Department of Education may provide special recognition to the schools receiving such designation and their school districts. Examples of such recognition may include, but not be limited to: public announcements and events, certificates of recognition and plaques for teachers, principals, superintendents and parents, and media announcements utilizing the services of Mississippi Educational Television. This special recognition may be awarded to elementary, middle or high schools, based on entries submitted to the Mississippi Special Education Advisory Panel by the deadline to be determined annually by the panel. These entries shall be in the form of a report, listing the name, address and telephone number of the school district/school; teacher or staff responsible for administering the program; type of position held by each of these employees including credentials; description of the program; number of students with disabilities included; type and level of severity of disabilities; number of students without disabilities involved in the program; how long the program has been in operation; benefit of program to all students; and a description of how this program could be replicated by other school districts. Winners of the Exemplary Inclusion Program contest shall be chosen annually by the Mississippi Special Education Advisory Panel at a date determined by the panel. Recognition may be given to these schools during a meeting of the Mississippi State Board of Education at a date determined by the board. Information on these exemplary programs shall be provided to other school districts and the general public through news releases, the state department website, and other similar avenues.