Allowance of state funds for special education, gifted education and university-based programs

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  1. In addition to other funds provided for in this chapter, there shall be added to the allotment for each school district for each teacher employed in a State Department of Education approved program for exceptional children as defined in Section 37-23-3, Mississippi Code of 1972, the value of one hundred percent (100%) of the adequate education program salary schedule prescribed in Section 37-19-7, Mississippi Code of 1972, based on the type of certificate and number of years' teaching experience held by each approved special education teacher plus one hundred percent (100%) of the applicable employer's rate for Social Security and State Retirement, except that only seventy percent (70%) of the value will be added for the program for three- and four-year old exceptional children.
  2. In addition to the allowances provided above, for each handicapped child who is being educated by a public school district or is placed in accord with Section 37-23-77, Mississippi Code of 1972, and whose individualized educational program (IEP) requires an extended school year in accord with the State Department of Education criteria, a sufficient amount of funds shall be allocated for the purpose of providing the educational services the student requires. The State Board of Education shall promulgate such regulations as are required to insure the equitable distribution of these funds. All costs for the extended school year for a particular summer shall be reimbursed from funds appropriated for the fiscal year beginning July 1 of that summer. If sufficient funds are not made available to finance all of the required educational services, the State Department of Education shall expend available funds in such a manner that it does not limit the availability of appropriate education to handicapped students more severely than it does to nonhandicapped students.
  3. The State Department of Education is hereby authorized to match adequate education program and other funds allocated for provision of services to handicapped children with Division of Medicaid funds to provide language-speech services, physical therapy and occupational therapy to handicapped students who meet State Department of Education or Division of Medicaid standards and who are Medicaid eligible. Provided further, that the State Department of Education is authorized to pay such funds as may be required as a match directly to the Division of Medicaid pursuant to an agreement to be developed between the State Department of Education and the Division of Medicaid.
  4. In addition to other funds provided for in this chapter, there shall be added to the allotment for each school district for each teacher employed in a State Department of Education approved program for gifted education as defined in Sections 37-23-173 through 37-23-181, Mississippi Code of 1972, the value of one hundred percent (100%) of the adequate education program salary schedule prescribed in Section 37-19-7, Mississippi Code of 1972, based on the type of certificate and number of years' teaching experience held by each approved gifted education teacher plus one hundred percent (100%) of the applicable employer's rate for Social Security and State Retirement.
  5. When any children who are residents of the State of Mississippi and qualify under the provisions of Section 37-23-31, Mississippi Code of 1972, shall be provided a program of education, instruction and training within a school under the provisions of said section, the State Department of Education shall allocate the value of one hundred percent (100%) of the adequate education program salary schedule prescribed in Section 37-19-7, Mississippi Code of 1972, for each approved program based on the type of certificate and number of years' teaching experience held by each approved teacher plus one hundred percent (100%) of the applicable employer's rate for Social Security and State Retirement. The university or college shall be eligible for state and federal funds for such programs on the same basis as local school districts. The university or college shall be responsible for providing for the additional costs of the program.
  6. In addition to the allotments provided above, a school district may provide a program of education and instruction to children ages five (5) years through twenty-one (21) years, who are resident citizens of the State of Mississippi, who cannot have their educational needs met in a regular public school program and who have not finished or graduated from high school, if those children are determined by competent medical authorities and psychologists to need placement in a state licensed facility for inpatient treatment, day treatment or residential treatment or a therapeutic group home. Such program shall operate under rules, regulations, policies and standards of school districts as determined by the State Board of Education. If a private school approved by the State Board of Education is operated as an integral part of the state licensed facility that provides for the treatment of such children, the private school within the facility may provide a program of education, instruction and training to such children by requesting the State Department of Education to allocate one (1) teacher unit or a portion of a teacher unit for each approved class. The facility shall be responsible for providing any additional costs of the program.

    Such funds will be allotted based on the type of certificate and number of years' teaching experience held by each approved teacher. Such children shall not be counted in average daily attendance when determining regular teacher unit allocation.

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