Emergency use of state or local personnel and equipment authorized; limitation of liability

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In the event an impending enemy attack, an enemy attack, or a man-made, technological or natural disaster occurs within the state or within any portion of it and a proclamation is issued by the governing authorities of the county, the governing authorities of the municipality, the office of the Governor of the state or the President of the United States declaring such affected areas to be disaster areas, the governing authorities of any county or municipality adversely affected by such disaster may:

Use county or municipally owned equipment and such public employees as necessary to venture onto private property to aid in removing debris and to prevent further damage to such property at the request of the property owners;

Use county or municipally owned equipment and such public employees as necessary to venture onto private property to remove debris and to perform any other necessary and needed services to prevent the spread of disease or any other health hazard to the community at large.

If the governing authorities of such adversely affected counties or municipalities are unable to perform such necessary and needed functions with their own equipment and personnel, they may request aid from other counties and municipalities not adversely affected by such impending enemy attack, enemy attack, or man-made, technological or natural disaster, and capable and willing to furnish needed services.

Provided, however, if the Governor determines that the governing authorities of such adversely affected counties or municipalities still lack sufficient equipment and personnel under such circumstances to perform such functions, any state agency or instrumentality, when directed by the Governor, is authorized to enter upon publicly or privately owned land or water and to use state-owned equipment and state employees as necessary to clear or remove debris and wreckage. Whenever the Governor provides for clearance of debris or wreckage pursuant hereto, employees of the designated state agencies or instrumentalities are authorized to enter upon private or public land or water and perform any tasks necessary to the removal or clearance operation. Except in cases of willful misconduct, gross negligence or bad faith, any state employee or agent complying with and performing duties pursuant hereto shall not be liable for death or injury to persons or damage to property.

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