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After proposals or qualifications have been evaluated, the evaluation committee shall prepare a report evaluating and recommending the award of a contract or contracts. The report shall list the names of all potential offerers who submitted a proposal or qualification and shall summarize the proposals or qualifications of each offerer. The report shall rank offerers in order of evaluation, shall recommend the selection of an offerer or offerers, as appropriate, for a contract, shall be clear in the reasons why the offerer or offerers have been selected among others considered, and shall detail the terms, conditions, scope of services, fees and other matters to be incorporated into the contract. The report shall be available to the public at least forty-eight (48) hours before the awarding of the contract.
The chief procurement officer shall publish a notice on the agency's website and the Mississippi procurement portal summarizing the award of the contract, which shall include but not be limited to, the nature, duration and amount of the contract, the name of the offerer and a statement that the contract is on file and available for public inspection in the office of the chief procurement officer.