Evaluating submitted proposals or qualifications

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  1. The evaluation committee shall evaluate proposals or qualifications only in accordance with the methodology and weighting criteria described in the request for proposals or request for qualifications. Proposals or qualifications shall be initially classified as: (a) acceptable; (b) potentially acceptable, which means reasonably susceptible of being made acceptable; or (c) unacceptable. Offerers whose proposals or qualifications are unacceptable shall be so notified promptly.
  2. Discussions may be held with offerers to:
    1. Promote understanding of the state's requirements and the offerer's proposals or qualifications; and
    2. Facilitate arriving at a contract that will be the most practicable and advantageous to the state taking into consideration price and the other evaluation factors set forth in the request for proposals or request for qualifications.
  3. Offerers shall be accorded fair and equal treatment with respect to any opportunity for discussions and revisions of proposals or qualifications. Any discussions that take place under the provisions of this section shall be recorded and the recordings shall be made public upon award of the contract. The chief procurement officer shall establish procedures and schedules for conducting discussions. If, during discussions, there is a need for any substantial clarification of or change in the request for proposals or request for qualifications, the request shall be amended to incorporate the clarification or change. Auction techniques, revealing one offerer's price to another, and disclosure of any information derived from competing proposals is prohibited. Any substantial oral clarification of a proposal or qualification shall be reduced to writing by the offerer.

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