Lists of educable children required before payment of funds

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It shall be unlawful for any township funds to be expended by the custodial school district or paid over to school districts as provided in Sections 29-3-115 through 29-3-123, where there are two (2) or more school districts or parts of school districts in the township until lists of the children residing in each district or part of district within such township who are enrolled in the schools thereof have been made as required under Section 29-3-121. Such lists shall be made annually before any payment of the expendable sixteenth section revenues shall be made to school districts as provided in Sections 29-3-115 through 29-3-123. Any member of a local school board or any superintendent of a school district who shall order the payment of such funds or who shall issue a pay certificate therefor in violation of the provisions of this section shall be liable upon his bond for the amount so paid.

Nothing in Sections 29-3-115 through 29-3-123 shall repeal or restrict the expenditure of funds by the Board of Supervisors of Claiborne County under Chapters 661, 662 and 663, Laws of 1950; or the expenditure by the Board of Supervisors of Adams County of any funds under Chapter 615, Laws of 1950.

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